Event Detail

Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and Korea Fair Competition Federation (KFCF), under the international cooperation program of the Korean Government, jointly organized a training workshop for the Commission’s officers. The workshop was held under a three-year capacity building program titled, “Strengthening the Competition Regime in Pakistan” (2018-2020) especially designed by the Government of Korea for the Commission. The objective of the program was to strengthen the Commission’s capacity in enforcement procedures, compliance matters, leniency, mergers & acquisitions, and advocacy. The first two batches attended the training programs in Korea in 2018 and 2019. The third and final batch attended the program online due to travel restrictions amidst COVID-19 pandemic. The week-long training program was attended by 21 officers from the Commission’s different departments. The resource persons from KFTC delivered online lectures on important topics such as, competition advocacy, merger control regime, bid-rigging, leniency program, investigation of cartels, deceptive marketing, and abuse of market dominance. The participants were also briefed on Korea‘s experience of competition enforcement and other advocacy activities.
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