IS&T Department

The Information system and Technology Department manages and supplies all IT related services to support the Commission’s technology mission of increasing employee productivity and efficiency. The department focuses on three programme fields: enterprise application services, enterprise operational services, and enterprise design/multimedia services. The Information system and Technology Department Department is also responsible for the maintenance and update of the CCP website.
Section 34 & 35 of the Competition Act 2010, permits CCP to Search and Inspection actions for the requisition of Digital Data/information. In this context, Commission is working on an increased digitalised process management system, spearheaded by the IS&T Department. A digital forensics laboratory has been set up already with the basic equipment. The department could perform few forensic work but needs more funds to enhance capacity.
The department consists of highly dedicated and motivated team of professionals who are motivated to achieve the goal of digitisation for smooth functioning of CCP’s mandate.
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