Exemption Department

The Department operates under the supervision of Member (Exemptions, International & External Affairs and Information Systems & Technology) and is tasked with granting exemptions, both of its own accord and upon request, to certain agreements that would otherwise be prohibited. §4 of the Competition Act, 2010 prohibits an undertaking from entering into an agreement in respect of the production, supply, distribution, acquisition or control of goods or the provision of services which have the object or effect of preventing, restricting or reducing competition within the relevant market unless exempted under §5 of the Act for individual exemption or under §7 for block exemptions.
The criteria for any agreement to be considered for an exemption is given §9 of the Act, which says that exemptions may be granted to agreements which:
Exemptions may be granted subject to certain conditions determined on a case-to-case basis. Compliance with conditions prescribed in the exemption certificate is mandatory. Depending on material changes in the agreements, exemptions may be extended or cancelled, as per provisions of the Act, Rules, and Regulations made thereunder.
Any party to an agreement can file an exemption application on the form in the Competition Commission (Exemption) Regulations, 2020 with the applicable fee.
The department consists of highly dedicated and motivated team of professionals who are motivated to achieve the goal of digitisation for smooth functioning of CCP’s mandate.
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