Press Release Detail

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has conducted a detailed study to assess competition issues in the road construction sector in Pakistan, especially in the wake of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), in which it has proposed remedies to foster competition and create a level playing field in the sector. The study has been uploaded on the CCP’s website for seeking public comments. The study, ‘Competition Assessment of the Road Construction Sector in Pakistan’ was done under the CCP’s mandate to carry out market studies to assess competition vulnerabilities and to promote competition in all spheres of commercial economic activity. The study examines the road construction sector from competition standpoint and discusses the role of different stakeholders including private firms, State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), and the implementing agencies. It also analyses the regulatory framework to determine whether entry barriers are keeping local or new players out of this crucial sector. Based on the assessment, the study offer recommendations to remove competition distortions in the sector, improve transparency in the bidding process, and create a level playing field for all market players. It asks the implementing agencies to ensure compliance with the bye-laws as well as the pertinent rules and regulations to ensure quality in the construction of roads to save the national exchequer from associated losses. It also urges the regulatory bodies such as the National Highway Authority, Pakistan Engineering Council, and Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) to ensure competitive procurement by all the participants in the sector. The study has been uploaded on the CCP’s website, for the general public and stakeholders to send their comments within 30 days (till 19 August) to Maryam Hasib, Deputy Director CCP, at her email address To view Research Report on ROAD CONSTRUCTION SECTOR, please click here - Study on road construction sector
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