Press Release Detail

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has approved the joint
acquisition of Uch Power (Private) Limited and Uch-II Power (Private) Limited by Sapphire Fibres
Limited (Acquirer 1) and Mindbridge (Private) Limited (Acquirer 2). The acquisition, formalized through a Sale and Purchase Agreement with UPLHC-I Limited
(Seller 1), UPLHC-II Limited (Seller 2), and International Power Uch Holdings B.V. (Seller 3),
will transfer 100 percent of the shares of Uch Power and Uch-II Power to the acquirers. The total cost for the acquisition includes a significant investment for both Uch Power I and Uch
Power II. Both Sapphire Fibres Limited and Mindbridge Private Limited will equally share
ownership, holding a 50% stake in each of the power plants. Sapphire Fibres, a publicly listed company, operates in textiles manufacturing and power
generation through its subsidiary, Sapphire Electric Company. Mindbridge, a private IT services
provider, will now enter the power generation sector with this acquisition. Uch Power and Uch-II Power are active in Pakistan’s thermal power sector, with gas-powered
plants. The acquisition will increase Sapphire Fibres' market presence in thermal power generation,
while Mindbridge will mark its entry into the power generation industry through the proposed
transaction. The CCP’s analysis has determined that the relevant product market for this transaction is
‘Thermal Power Generation – Independent Power Producer’ within Pakistan. The acquisition will
not lead to market dominance by the Acquirers, ensuring continued competition in the sector.
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