Press Release Detail

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) in its desire to improve awareness and understanding of competition laws and their implications for various business sectors in the country is organizing two seminars on the "Importance of the Competition Regime in Modern Business" in Bhurban on 28 th July, 2008 and in Karachi on 30 th July, 2008. The seminars will assist the CCP in its advocacy responsibilities, in projecting its work to a wider audience in the country and in enhancing awareness of the need to make competitiveness an integral element in the long term development of the Pakistan economy. Prominent guest speakers at the seminars will be Mr. Alden F. Abbott, who is a Director in the Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission of the United States , Mr. Alberto Heimler, Central Director for Research and International Affairs in the Italian Competition Authority and Mr. Vinod Dhall, Member and Acting Chairman of the Competition Commission of India. The guest speakers will provide insights from an International perspective regarding the need for competition laws and their importance in the promotion of a healthy business environment in a modern economy. Participants in these seminars will include senior business executives, office bearer of professional bodies and high level Government officials as well as officers of International development agencies.
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