Press Release Detail

An appellate bench of the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has suspended the operation of the order dated 29 January 2010 in the matter of appeal filed by M/s Takaful Pakistan Limited. On 25 May 2010 hearing was convened before the Appellate Bench of CCP comprising of Mr. Khalid A. Mirza, Chairman and Ms. Rahat Kaunain Hassan, Member (Legal & OFT) in the Appeals filed by Takaful Pakistan Limited (TPL) & Travel Agents Association of Pakistan (TAAP) against the Order dated 29 January 2010 of the single member of CCP in which TPL and TAAP had been penalized for violating Section 3 (Abuse of Dominant Position), Section 4 (Prohibited Agreements) and Section 10 (Deceptive Marketing Practices) of the Competition Ordinance. M/s Takaful Pakistan Limited was represented by Barrister Khurram Rashid who argued the matter at length and prayed that till passing of final Order, the operation of impugned Order be suspended. The Appellate bench was informed by the representative of Travel Agents Association of Pakistan that their counsel is pre-occupied before the Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue, therefore, their appeal be adjourned. The next date of hearing will be scheduled in the first week of June; in the meanwhile the operation of the impugned order has been suspended by the Appellate Bench of the Commission.
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