Press Release Detail

The passage of the Competition Bill today is a major legislative initiative towards the realization of a competitive and fair economy. The fact that the Competition Bill has been passed with the unanimous vote is a testament to the strength of the democratic process. Ms. Rahat Kaunain Hassan, Chairperson of the Competition Commission of Pakistan has expressed deep appreciation and gratitude to the government for extending its support to this due piece of legislation, which will make Pakistan’s economy more equitable and transparent. The Competition Bill passed today is designed to promote a competitive and fair economic playground for the entire corporate sector, while securing economic efficiency and protecting consumers from anti-competitive attitudes and practices. This milestone could not have been achieved without the dedication and support of various actors, each of whom I would like to congratulate and thank. A much necessary tribute to the media is due as they have consistently played a very positive role in communicating to the public the importance of a robust competition regime. I also thank the dedicated team at the CCP for their hard work. It is also necessary to assure all stakeholders in the corporate sector and the consumers that following the ceremonial assent of the President to the Competition Bill when it shall become an Act of Parliament, we at the Commission will strive to promote and create a vibrant and equitable economic playground, with an emphasis on transparency and fair-play. The commitment realized by the Government shall also give confidence to both domestic and foreign investors that their investments will be safeguarded from anti-competitive actions of a few economic actors having vested interests.
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