Press Release Detail

The Chairperson, Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP), Ms. Rahat Kaunain Hassan, paid a visit to New York this week where she called on the heads of various competition agencies and attended the 37th Annual Conference on “International Antitrust Law & Policy” and a Heads of Agencies Workshop at Fordham University, School of Law, New York. The Chairperson had extremely useful interaction with heads of Competition Agencies such as, Mr. John Fingleton, Chief Executive at the Office of Fair Trading in the UK; Mr. Jon Leibowitz, the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, USA; Mr. Thabani Jali, the Chairperson of the Competition Commission South Africa; Mr. Manuel Sebastião, President, Portuguese Competition Authority; and various other heads of agencies. During the these meetings, the CCP Chairperson held detailed discussion about the implementation of competition laws in their respective countries, the scope and working of their agencies, their relationships with other government bodies, and the methodologies adopted in investigations and litigation. The heads of competition agencies were keen to know about the developments in Pakistan vis-à-vis the legislation on Competition Law and its enforcement. The CCP Chairperson shared the good news with the international audience, among them were 20 heads of the Competition Agencies, all welcomed Pakistan in the comity of nations. The Heads of Agencies Workshop focused on the role of leadership in managing delivery and in substantive competition analysis; leadership tasks that can be delegated to senior staff; how to lead by example; and feedback about performance. The stakeholder relationship session, chaired by Mr. Bill Kovacic, the US-based anti-trust Guru, focussed on personal involvement of the heads of agency in developing relationship with stakeholders, including relationship with judiciary.
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