Press Release Detail

The Competition Commission of Pakistan today announced holding of its 2nd International Conference on 1–2 December, 2011, with the collaboration of Competitiveness Support Fund/USAID. The theme of the conference is, “Competition Enforcement Challenges and Consumer Welfare in Developing Countries.” The conference, which takes place in Islamabad, will provide a rare opportunity to hear from internationally acclaimed experts on competition law from the Americas, Europe, Africa, Far East, and South Asia. The local panelists include representatives of the consumer right associations, the business community, the Competitiveness Support Fund, and the Government of Pakistan. The Conference participants include senior management members of corporate firms from across all sectors of the economy, legal community, academia, autonomous bodies, state-owned enterprises, other public and private institutions and the Government of Pakistan. The conference aims to examine the status of Competition enforcement in various jurisdictions with particular reference to the emerging economies such as Pakistan. It is also expected to explore and strengthen the relationship between competition enforcement and consumer welfare in Developing Countries.
The Conference will address five themes: Challenge for Competition Agencies to Deal with Cartels and Cartels in Disguise; Deceptive Marketing & Consumer Protection; Lessons Learnt and Sharing of Country Experiences in Advocacy and Enforcement; State Aid and Distortion in Competition, and; Public Procurement/Collusive Bidding affecting Consumer Welfare. In these sessions, the panelists will share their perspectives and experiences in the enforcement and advocacy of competition law in their respective countries. The Conference underscores the shared commitment of the governments of Pakistan and the United States of America to promote healthy competition and to strengthen and make the private sector more competitive.
About Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) The CCP was established as an independent autonomous body comprising of 5-7 Members under the Competition Act 2010. It has been given the mandate to provide for free competition in all spheres of commercial and economic activity, to enhance economic efficiency, and to protect consumers from anticompetitive behavior. Since, its establishment, the CCP has been vigorously performing its functions. About Competitiveness Support Fund (CSF) The CSF is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) established to reposition the Pakistan’s Economy on a more global competitive footing. About the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) The United States is in partnership with Pakistan to improve Pakistani lives. Since 2002, the USAID is providing over $5.1 billion in support for education, health, energy, economic growth, good governance, earthquake reconstruction, and flood relief and recovery. USAID's programs are an essential part of the U.S. commitment to Pakistan and its people. .
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