Press Release Detail

The 2nd International Conference of the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP), “Competition Enforcement Challenges and Consumer Welfare in Developing Countries,” being held with the collaboration of Competitiveness Support Fund (CSF)/USAID concluded here on Friday. On the second and last day of the Conference, the Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan, Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, was the chief guest. It was also attended by Mr. Hafeez Shaikh, Federal Finance Minister, Mr. Andrew Sisson, Coordinator for Economic & Development Assistance, Embassy of the United States, Islamabad, Ms. Rahat Kaunain Hassan, Chairperson of the Competition Commission of Pakistan, and Mr. Shahab Khawaja, Chief Executive Officer of the Competitiveness Support Fund/USAID besides the international and local panelists and participants, and CCP officials. The Prime Minister in his address said in 2011 the government released the New Growth Framework after taking the relevant stakeholders into confidence. The Framework document underscored the importance of competitive markets as an element of economic governance. It also identified competitive markets as the starting point towards increasing efficiency and bringing about innovations to promote and sustain economic growth. The Prime Minister praised the Competition Commission of Pakistan for being quite active since its inception in addressing manipulation of market. And like most countries, it has also faced opposition as it has challenged powerful vested interests. “Nevertheless, the Commission enjoys continued support and acknowledgment of the government. Our recognition of the importance of competition law and the Competition Commission can be judged from the fact that the Competition Ordinance of 2007 was re-promulgated twice to ensure continuity of the Commission’s important work. Because of our efforts and resolve to institute competition as the law of the land, the Ordinance was given approval as an Act of the Parliament in October 2010,” the Prime Minister said.
The Prime Minister further said the international recognition and evaluation is a valuable barometer for judging the performance of an entity. “I am pleased to learn that the Commission was chosen and given a fair rating this year by the Global Competition Review. This international recognition and feedback, I am sure, would help the Competition Commission in transcending to global standards of excellence.” The Prime Minister said he was aware that due to the critical matter of funding the Commission’s operations remain unresolved. “Let me take this opportunity to assure you that in the same manner the democratic government supported the passage of the law through the Parliament, it will focus attention on providing the Commission a secure source of funding to carry on its important work.”
The Federal Finance Minister, in his address said Pakistan was the most business friendly country of the region offering a number of incentives to the investors. He said the government encouraged foreign investment and there were no trade barriers in the way of foreign investment. He said that private sector was the engine of growth of any country’s economy and it was government’s responsibility to ensure appropriate measures along with provision of best possible policies, services and resources to facilitate the private sector for promotion of economic growth and job creation.
Dr. Shaikh reiterated the government’s commitment towards strengthening the Competition Commission of Pakistan by resolving the pending issue of three percent fee. He said Ms. Rahat Kaunain Hassan, Chairperson CCP on the occasion highlighted the achievements of the Commission for the promotion of competitive business environment for the welfare of the people. She said the Commission had a dedicated team and she had the confidence in its hard work and tenacity in encountering daunting challenges. She thanked the government for its support to the Commission in the passage of Competition Law and hoped that the government will resolve all pending issues including the three percent fee and appointment of the Competition Appellate Tribunal. Speaking on the occasion, Richard A. Albright, Coordinator for Economic and Development Assistance Embassy of the United States, Islamabad said that fair and strong competition in business activities enhances economic strength of a country. He congratulated the Competition Commission of Pakistan and the Competitiveness Support Fund for organizing a successful conference. On the second day of the Conference, two sessions were held on State Aid and Distortion in Competition, and Public Procurement and Collusive Bidding Affecting Consumer Welfare.
The Session on “State Aid and Distortion in Competition” was chaired and moderated by Dr. Nadeem ul Haq, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, and its panelists included Mr. Miek Van der Wee, Head of Unit, International Relations, DG Comp, European Commission, Dr. Joseph Wilson Member, Competition Commission of Pakistan, Professor Kriengsak Chareonwongsak, President, Institute of Future Studies for Development, Bangkok, Thailand, Mr. Pradeep Mehta Secretary General, Consumer Unity and Trust Society, India, Mr. Ali Demiroz, Turkish Competition Authority & Board Member of, the State Aids Monitoring and Supervision Board, Turkey. The session on Public Procurement and Collusive Bidding Affecting Consumer Welfare, was chaired and moderated by Mr. Shahab Khawaja, CEO, Competitiveness Support Fund, and its panelists included Mr. Abdul Ghaffar, Member, Competition Commission of Pakistan, and Dr. Kusha Haraksingh, Chairman, Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Competition Commission. On first day of the Conference on Thursday, 1 December, the Federal Finance Minister, Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh was the Chief Guest in the opening session. After the opening session, three sessions were held on Challenge for Competition Agencies to Deal with Cartels and Cartels in Disguise and; Deceptive Marketing & Consumer Protection; Lessons Learnt and Sharing of Country Experiences in Advocacy and Enforcement.
Presentations were given by Mr. Manuel Sebastiao President, Portuguese Competition Authority, Mr. Halil Baha Karabudak, Advisor to Chairman, Turkish Competition Authority, Turkey, Dr. Paulo Burnier da Silveira, Head of International Affairs, CADE, Brazil, Mr. Khalid Mirza, Former Chairman, Competition Commission of Pakistan, Mr. Russell Damtoft, Associate Director, Office of International Affairs, US Federal Trade Commission, Dr. Huma Bukhari, President, Consumers Forum, Karachi, Mr. Tounakti Khalifa, Director-General, Tunisian Competition Council, Ms. Halima Bensouda Morocco, Dr. Robert Ian McEwin, Professor, National University, Singapore.
The panelists shared their perspectives and experiences in the enforcement and advocacy of competition law in their respective countries. They lauded the role of Competition Commission of Pakistan in the enforcement and advocacy of competition law. Mr. Russel Damtfot said the US FTC could not achieve in 50 years what CCP achieved in 4 years.
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