Press Release Detail

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (the “Commission”) has taken notice of concerns raised by petroleum companies, on the apparently discriminatory access to Inland Freight Equalization Margin (IFEM) pool which is distorting conditions of competition in crude and refined oil markets.
Sections 28 and 29 of the Competition Act, 2010 entrust the Commission with the responsibility to "promote competition through advocacy which includes holding open hearing on any matter affecting the state of competition in Pakistan or affecting the country's commercial activities and expressing publicly an opinion with respect to the issues." The Commission has scheduled a public hearing inviting all the stakeholders to share their views on the aforementioned issues/concerns which will be held on 25-02-2014 at 11 a.m. at the Commission’s office located at 8th Floor, 55-B, ISE Tower, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad. The Commission has asked all interested parties, who wish to attend the public hearing to get themselves registered with the Commission latest by 24 February, 2014 for participation in the Public Hearing. Names of participants, their telephone numbers may be faxed at 051-9100236.
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