Press Release Detail

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has issued three 'call for information' orders under Section 36 of the Competition Act, 2010 to M/s Daewoo Pakistan Express Bus Service Limited, M/s Niazi Express, and M/s Kohistan Bus Service.
The information has been sought as part of an inquiry being conducted by CCP regarding the possible anti competitive activities in the inter-city bus commute service. The orders have been passed by Mr. Ikram Ul Haque Qureshi, Member, Cartels & Trade Abuses and Legal, after the companies failed to respond to the CCP’s previous requests for information. The companies have been ordered to provide information regarding pricing trends of all categories of buses, on all major routes, over the last three years. The companies have been asked to submit the required information within ten days. Failure to provide the required information may render the three bus companies liable to pay a penalty of up to PKR 1 Million for non-compliance under Section 38 of the Competition Act, and a further penalty of up to PKR 1 Million becomes payable for every day if the non-compliance continues beyond the prescribed deadline. The CCP is empowered under Section 36 of the Competition Act to call upon undertakings to furnish information concerning the activities of the undertaking, including their organization, accounts, business, trade practices, management and connection with any other undertaking, which the CCP may consider necessary or useful for the purposes of the Act.
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