Press Release Detail

As part of the National Road Show on Competition Law, the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) organized a seminar at the Mardan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCCI) and briefed the business community on Competition Law, the benefits of competitive conduct and the cautions to avoid anti-competitive practices.
The seminar was conducted by CCP Members Shahzad Ansar, Mueen Batlay, Director General Cartels and Trade Abuses Shaista Bano Gilani, Director Advocacy Asfandyar Khattak, and attended by the president of MCCI Zahir Shah, executive committee members and the business community in large number. The “National Road Show on Competition Law” is being organized by CCP in 22 cities throughout the country during 4th December, 2015 to 20 January, 2016 and it was the third chamber after Islamabad and Peshawar where seminars have been held. The President MCCI Zahir Shah in his welcome speech highlighted the importance of competition for the economic progress of the country and urged the business community to fully understand the provisions of the law for better compliance. He praised the CCP’s initiative of approaching the businesses across the country saying that this exercise will have a great impact on creating a compliant business culture. Shaista Bano in her presentation explained the substantive provisions of the Competition Act, 2010 and said that the anti-competitive practices such as the abuse of dominance and cartelization were detrimental to the consumers’ interest besides inflicting huge financial losses to the national exchequer. Shahzad Ansar, in his presentation on the Office of Fair Trade (OFT), explained the competition law from the point of view of the consumer protection saying that the Act forbids false and deceptive claims having no reasonable basis and the fraudulent use of the trademarks of other undertakings. Mueen Batlay threw light on the merger regime under the Competition Act. During the questions and answers session, the participants raised important issues concerning competition and their questions were answered by the Commission’s Members.
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