Press Release Detail

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) will hold an open hearing on the competition concerns raised over the Civil Aviation Authority’s decision to establish only one flight kitchen at the new Islamabad International Airport on joint venture basis. CCP received concerns that the CAA’s decision to establish only one flight kitchen at the new Islamabad International Airport will limit the choices available to domestic and international airlines to procure in-flight catering services. Taking notice of the concerns, CCP decided to hold an open hearing on Thursday, 22nd September 2016 at the Commission in Islamabad.
Those who wish to attend the open hearing may contact the Registrar of CCP through fax no. 051-9100297, telephone no. 051-9100289, email or post at the Competition Commission of Pakistan, 7th floor, ISE Tower, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad.
The open hearing is being held under Section 29 of the Competition Act, 2010 that empowers the CCP to hold open hearings on matters affecting the state of competition in Pakistan or affecting the country’s commercial activities and express its opinion with respect to the issues.
The CCP is mandated by the Competition Act, 2010 to inter alia undertake enforcement, advocacy and research efforts to provide for free competition in all spheres of commercial and economic activity to enhance economic efficiency, and to protect consumers from anti-competition behavior.
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