Press Release Detail

As part of the ‘Competition Advocacy Academia Drive,’ the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) held a seminar at the Iqra University Islamabad campus in which the participants including faculty members and students of management sciences and economics were briefed on various aspects of the Competition Law and policy.
In first leg of the Academia Drive, seminars are being held in the leading universities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi and so far four universities of the twin cities have hosted well attended seminars. The second leg of the Academia Drive to be started from February 2017 will include the 22 leading universities of the four provinces. The seminar at Iqra University was attended by the faculty members including Dr. Muhammad Islam, Dean and Director, Dr. Sadaf Kashif, Head of Department Management Sciences, and students in large number. Dr. Islam in his address urged a collaboration between academia and government organizations including regulatory bodies to strengthen the capacity of the later in dealing with issues of public importance. He said Iqra University is willing to work with CCP in creating awareness of the law and in the area of research. He appreciated the efforts of CCP in creating awareness of the law. Dr. Shahzad Ansar, CCP Member Office of Fair Trade (OFT) and Advocacy, in his remarks said that under its advocacy mandate, CCP is making all out efforts to strengthen the awareness of the law and in this regard, has developed a 16-week Module on “Economics and Competition Law in collaboration with King’s College London. The module has received tremendous response from several academic institutions and is expected to be adopted by a number of leading universities as an elective subject, he added. The presentations by CCP included an animation on Competition Law, a brief overview of the evolution of Competition Policy and Law worldwide, an outline of the Pakistan’s Competition Law, and an interesting presentation on the role of the Office of Fair Trade (OFT) in curbing deceptive marketing practices. The students and faculty members actively took part in the interactive session, which was followed by a detailed meeting between the CCP officials and Iqra University’s faculty members to discuss the prospects of future collaboration for creating awareness and adoption of CCP’s Module in the syllabus of the university.
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