Event Detail

CCP and Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance: PICG agree to broaden the canvas of their collaboration with the inclusion of competition law modules in other PICG trainings also in addition to the existing Directors Training Program (DTP). In the meeting recently held between CCP and PICG officials in Karachi, it was agreed that CCP will assist PICG in developing modules and will also provide resource persons to impart the trainings for the new ESG Fast Track Course being launched by PICG. The modules will be developed on deterring deceptive marketing, process of reviewing mergers & acquisitions, criteria considered for granting exemptions, and agreements that are prohibited under the Completion Law. CCP delegate was led by Mr. Salman Amin (Member) along with Ahmed Qadir (DG) and Raja Taimur (DD). Whereas, PICG was represented by Mr. Memosh Khawaja (CEO), Ms. Shafaq Fauzil, (Chief Advisory Officer) and Ms. Haani Jamal (Manager). The meeting also discussed that case study-based modules will be incorporated in upcoming DTPs and other PICG trainings on Competition Law. The CCP and PICG officials appreciated that awareness on Competition Law has largely increased by inclusion of modules in DTPs and will further amplify through PICG’s new ESG programme.
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