Event Detail

On invitation of Gujrat Chamber of Small Traders and Small Industries (GCSTSI) a delegation of senior officials comprising Shahzad Hussain (DG, Advocacy/ Registrar of the Commission) and Dr. Ikram ul Haq (DG Admin and HR) visited the Chamber. The purpose of the visit was to brief and aware the members of the Chamber on the role and functions of the Commission and how it can support and facilitate small businesses. Mr. Shahzad Hussain delivered a comprehensive Presentation covering the core components of competition law. During the interactive session, participants actively engaged by posing questions related to various aspects of competition law. Notable queries revolved around issues of price control, ties-in agreements, and concerns related to the hospital services. Furthermore, participants also expressed specific concerns related to the steel sector and wanted to file a formal complaint with the commission against the steel sector.
Participants were encouraged by the CCP officials to voice their concerns, especially in cases where they believed there were potential violations of competition law and harm their respective business interests. Towards the end, Dr Ikram-ul-Haq delivered the concluding remarks.
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