Event Detail

The Commission conducted a learning and awareness session with members of the Overseas Investors Chambers of Commerce & Industry (OICCI) to educate them on fair marketing practices and the consequences of violating Section 10 of the Act, 2010 for consumers, businesses, and the economy. The session was hosted by Unilever Pakistan, a member of OICCI, and attended by its CEO and senior team members, along with member undertakings of OICCI. The Chairperson of CCP, Ms. Rahat Kaunain Hassan, along with Member, Mr. Mujtaba Ahmed Lodhi, and other senior officers, addressed the session. The purpose of the session was to encourage compliance and corrective behavior in enforcing the provisions of Section 10, and guidelines in light of the Commission’s decision/precedence will be issued soon to help understand the precautionary principles relating to deceptive marketing. The Chairperson emphasized that deceptive marketing practices have a direct impact on consumers and businesses, and firms must avoid such practices while advertising their products and services. The undertakings can seek advice and clarity from the Commission on any actual competition matter where any potential violation is apprehended to avoid such violation. The Commission’s representatives highlighted that while designing the marketing campaigns, firms must not make deceptive claims, hide important/material information, and/ or use the competitors’ patent designs, firm name, color scheme, and registered trademark. The presentation also covered the overall framework of the Act. The Chairperson also stressed that undertakings must refrain from entering into arrangements of retail price maintenance (RPM) as it is a form of price fixing, and globally, in the majority of jurisdictions, it is taken to be anticompetitive. She referred to the recent case of RPM amongst electronic home appliance manufacturers where the Commission imposed a total penalty of more than PKR 1 billion. She further added that the choice to offer forms of discount or package deals is an important part of the negotiating process with consumers, which should be left to dealers as per their own independent commercial decisions. The Commission’s representatives urged businesses to come forward and flag all aspects where any practice or policy is resulting in competition infringement or market distortions as the Commission is committed to providing fair play to businesses. At the session, Mr. Abdul Aleem acknowledged that the Commission is playing an active role in ensuring a competitive business environment, which is a prerequisite for a conducive foreign investment climate. Mr. Amir Paracha, CEO Unilever Pakistan, and his team thanked the Commission for arranging the advocacy session and acknowledged its critical role in keeping the industry grounded, fair, and objective while protecting the interests of the stakeholders.
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