RoadShow Press Release

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) is focussed on removing entry barriers for smooth business and industry by effectively implementing the Competition Law and facilitating the business community through advocacy. The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) organized a seminar at the Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI), as part of the “National Road Show on Competition Law.” The seminar was addressed by Vadiyya Khalil, Chairperson CCP, Members Shahzad Ansar, Ikram Ul Haque Qureshi, Mueen Batlay and attended by the President FCCI Ch. Muhammad Nawaz, vice president Jamil Ahmed, executive committee members and the business community in large number.
In his welcome address, the President FCCI Ch. Muhammad Nawaz said that a strong competition is needed to provide relief to the consumers as well as to protect businesses from anti-competitive behaviour. He urged businessmen to get acquainted with the provisions of the Competition Law to avoid getting into anti-competitive practices. He further said that the role of CCP was crucial in discouraging cartelization, abuse of dominance and other anti-competitive practices.
While addressing the seminar, the Chairperson CCP Vadiyya Khalil said that Faisalabad being the 3rd largest contributor to Pakistan's GDP contributing over 20% and had a very diverse industry, from textiles and made ups to carpets and chemicals. “In fact there are so many different industries that it becomes difficult to name them all,” she said while urging compliance with the Competition Law, the main objective of which is to enhance economic efficiency and create a level playing field. “It is pro-competition, pro-consumer protection, pro-growth and therefore it is pro-business,” she said adding that the Law protects the businesses from any anti-competitive or deceptive behaviour of another entity or competitor.” She reiterated the CCP’s resolve to work with the FCCI and to facilitate and assist its members in competition issues and for voluntary compliance of the law through the adoption of Voluntary Competition Compliance Code, for which she asked the Chamber’s president to nominate a focal person.
The Chairperson said that Competition policy is all about creating the best possible conditions for consumers, investors and innovative entrepreneurs.
The CCP’s Members gave presentations about the important provisions of the Competition Act. Ikram Ul Haque Qureshi in his presentation gave an overview of the Competition Law and assured the business community of providing assistance in case of any complaints, suggestions or issues in competition related matters.
Shahzad Ansar in his presentation on deceptive marketing practices said that the role of CCP was to protect the consumers and businesses from misleading advertising, false and fraudulent use of another’s trade mark and misleading comparison of goods. Mueen Batlay briefed the participants on the merger thresholds and merger filing with CCP.
The participants of the seminar raised important issues concerning competition and requested the removal of entry barriers in various sectors of the economy to pave the way for smooth business.
Vadiyya Khalil, Chairperson Competition Commission of Pakistan, giving away shield for the President Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI) Ch. Muhammad Nawaz in a seminar organized by the CCP at FCCI as part of the National Road Show on Competition Law.
A group photograph of Vadiyya Khalil, Chairperson Competition Commission of Pakistan, with the participants of a seminar organized by the CCP at FCCI as part of the National Road Show on Competition Law.
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